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Parsons Joins LAWA and Los Angeles Officials for LAX Automated People Mover Groundbreaking

Parsons participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Automated People Mover (APM) at Los Angeles International Airport on March 14, 2019. Parsons provides project management/construction management services to support Los Angeles World Airport’s (LAWA’s) Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP), which includes the APM, and delivered the bid and procurement process for the APM’s development team selection on schedule.

“We are committed to overseeing the remaining design submittals and soon-to-start construction of the APM, which will connect the airport to the LAX/Crenshaw line, intermodal transportation facilities, and the Consolidated Rent-A-Car facility,” said James Rollings, Executive Vice President, Major Programs, who attended the ceremony.

“Our project management team was honored to be invited by LAWA to help break ground for this transformative infrastructure,” said Virginia Grebbien, Chief Marketing Officer. “We’re pleased to be of service to LAWA and the City of Los Angeles as they continue to welcome the world and achieve their goals to offer easier access and greater mobility to and from LAX.”

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