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Energy And Climate Resilience For Environmental Remediation

A Technical Webinar Series


We strive to increase resilience and sustainability for our client’s projects and portfolios through a holistic approach that incorporates innovative approaches and provides added value. Remedies at contaminated sites are increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather and climate change-related impacts, and the associated changes in the reliability, sustainability, and cost of energy. As a result, resilience to climate change and energy are increasingly important factors during the investigation, design, and implementation of remedial approaches.


The relationship between resilience and sustainability will be discussed, as well as the attributes of resilient systems and the process for identifying hazards and vulnerability to risk to develop effective mitigation approaches as part of a resilience plan. A case study will be presented to demonstrate how solar power was utilized for a groundwater extraction and conveyance system to increase energy and climate change resilience while also increasing sustainability. A second case study will illustrate how consideration of sustainability during evaluation of remedial approaches resulted in a resilient, cost-effective, and sustainable remedial approach utilizing enhanced in situ bioremediation, phytoremediation, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA).

Results/Lessons Learned

Resilience planning and mitigation provides near-term and long-term value through reduced weather-related interruptions and damage, continued operation of essential services, and reduced impacts to social, cultural, and economic systems. Early evaluation of a site’s potential vulnerabilities related to climate change and energy is a critical component to design of a resilient remedy. The most sustainable and resilient approaches are often also the most cost-effective, providing added value while reducing risk and liability.

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About The Presenter

Catherine Sheane, PE, LEED AP BD+C, ENV SP Cat is the Director of Sustainability and Resilience for Parsons and has spent the past 16 years guiding the evaluation and implementation of sustainable and resilient solutions for client services and corporate activities. She acts as sustainability team lead for major civil infrastructure projects such as the Gordie Howe International Bridge and the Federal Way Link Extension, and she also supports Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) activities at the corporate level.

About The Presenter

Jessica Bennett, PE, CIH Jessica is a senior environmental engineer specializing in identifying cost-effective, innovative approaches for site characterization and remediation, increasing sustainability and resilience in remediation, emerging contaminants, and conceptual site model development.

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